Ready for hot cocoa and sweaters? Looking forward to the changing fall colors and already pulling your wardrobe bins from the back of the closet? In the theme of fall and all things cozy we’d like to announce our favorite book selections for this Fall 2017!
These books were hand selected and come highly recommended by designers here in Minneapolis. Each is a little different from the next and all are applicable to life, work, and design. After reading the first chapters of each, I believe strongly that they can and will provide you with inspiration and insight into life, both within our industry and in general! Take a look at what some references shared regarding their take on the book and consider picking one up for yourself!
Image by Riverhead Books
“In Big Magic, Liz Gilbert offers such a healthy and inspirational way of looking at creativity. It’s not all about suffering. She talks about fear and what you can do with it. She offers perspectives I’ve never seen before– with humor, joy, and practicality!”
Image by Random House
“Creativity, Inc. is more about managing and making creative environments than anything. It’s super inspiring in terms of the creative process– which applies to the individual and to groups as well. Love that this book talks about failure as NOT an evil at all. A good thing! This book is so invigorating and inspirational!”
Image by Sarah Crichton Books
“Wow. What a great picture of where we are at with gender equity today. I found this book valuable because it really gave me insight into what my female peers and friends with kids are dealing with, and with that I can be more empathetic to their situations. It also gave me some things to think about when I enter that chapter of my life.”
Involvement, active learning, and personal growth are all things we value and encourage through IIDA Northland; and is a large part of why we are all here in the first place. In that mindset; I’d like to encourage you to reach out to fellow members and professionals to connect through learning and inspiration. Pick up one of these books or download the audio on your phone for your commute and workout. Find a few friends in your workplace to read alongside and discuss as you go. Come late fall if your inspiration is overflowing and you’re itching to talk about your thoughts about your latest read, I invite you to use these books as a basis to connect further with friends and new faces! If you are interested in finding a group to read any of the mentioned books, or have ideas for future months of reading inspiration, feel free to email me at blog@iida-northland.org or share on social media using #iidanorthlandbooks.
Now grab a glass of something pumpkin themed and get to reading!
Emily Degallier – Interior Designer