ID Awards

Thank you for your interest in the IIDA Northland ID Awards. As we continue to re-imagine this event, the IIDA Northland Board has made the decision to postpone the ID Awards currently scheduled for the Spring of 2025. Please continue to check out website for updates. We look forward to seeing all of your great work!







2018 FAB Award Winners
2018 Workspace Workshop MSR Design
2018 Hospitality Maverick North Loop ESG Architecture & Design
2018 Peoples Choice The Millwright Building Ryan A+E, Inc.
2018 Grand Award Haverford College Visual Culture, Arts, and Media MSR Design
2018 Community & Civic Walker Art Center Renovation HGA Architects and Engineers
2018 Education Haverford College
2018 Excellence in Design Renaissance Minneapolis Hotel – The Depot ESG Architecture & Design
2018 Excellence in Design The Millwright Building Ryan A+E, Inc


Please note:

Audience photographs may be taken at this event. By nature of your attendance, you are granting permission for your image and likeness to be used for marketing purposes.

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