Never stop growing.
Cultivate provides the financial support for IIDA Northland Chapter members to deepen their knowledge, education, or research and advance their careers.

Cultivate supports member participation in activities that pertain to education, knowledge or research within the interior design profession.
- Applicants must be a current IIDA Northland member in good standing and have been a member for at least one year. To become a member, click here.
- Applicants cannot also receive funding for the activity from their employer or any other funding source. If funding from another source does not cover the activity 100%, the applicant may request funding for the remaining amount.
- Applicants cannot have received funding from Cultivate (or past reimbursement funds) for any activities within the past three years.
- Eligible activities must pertain to education or knowledge within the interior design profession.
Examples of eligible activities include:
- NeoCon, ICFF, HD Expo or attendance at other trade shows.
- Greenbuild, Living Futures, Healthcare Design or other conference attendance.
- Dale Carnegie, Living Building Challenge, LEED workshop or other training participation.
- WELL, EDAC or other industry-related exam, NOTE: NCIDQ, LEED and WELL AP exams are not eligible. IIDA National offers reimbursements for these exams. NCIDQ support LEED or WELL AP support
- Teaching a training course or giving a presentation within the Northland Chapter region.
- Travel, with a clear emphasis on learning.
- College-level classes.
Recipience Requirements:
- Award recipients must provide receipts for all funded activities. The recipient agrees to share highlights of what they learned with the Chapter community within one year upon the activity’s completion. This could be a blog post, social media take-over, presentation, or another method, to be determined in collaboration with the Chapter Past-President on a case-by-case basis.
The Fine Print:
- Applications are open once a year.
- Recipient must submit a W-9 once awarded funding.
- 50% of the awarded amount will be distributed to the recipient prior to the activity with the remaining 50% awarded upon conclusion of the activity, submission of receipts and having shared the knowledge with the chapter.
- Recipient must submit receipts for their funded expenses in order to receive the second payment.
Come back for more information on the next Cultivate Grant.
The IIDA Northland Chapter is proud to offer Cultivate, a member enrichment fund, to support educational and research opportunities for our members. Cultivate is made possible by the generosity of Chapter Sponsors each year. Since 2015, we have awarded over $22,000 to our members through this program. Recipients have participated in classes, trainings, self-curated international trips, trade shows, and more- expanding their education, developing their skills, and improving their practice.
IIDA Northland is proud to offer this unique benefit to our members through your support!
We do not accept unsolicited requests for financial support and will determine and announce program opportunities as they are available.
Questions? Email